Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Let us all give Thanks to God for what we have and for where we live.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tag! your IT...

Well we got tagged on Mrs. Kim's blog today, so of course we have to respond, can't have someone throw down a gauntlet and not respond! Anyway, as her blog states we have to pick the fourth picture of the fourth folder on the computer and then explain it, so here goes....

      My requisite picture is actually a scan of a wedding picture! May 1, 2004 to be exact. Art Solomon from Dothan was the photog. We had such great weather that day and we grow to love each other more every day.
    We are now supposed to tag four other people, but I am not sure I know four other people who read our blog, much less four people who have blogs themselves. So,  if you fall into that category, that is read our blog and have a blog....consider yourself tagged.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Whew what a week...

It has been one of those weeks.. We haven't been that busy. I just haven't been feeling that great and I don't think Little M has been feeling good either :-( We have been slooooowly sorting through all our Christmas decorations, which is quite the task, I think we have more Christmas stuff than anything else!  Anyway it has been good especially considering, due to our circumstances we didn't even unbox our stuff last year, so that plus a new baby makes this year extra special and exciting.
    We got a good report from the pediatrician, as usual.  Little M is now 26 inches tall and 17.6 lbs. The doctor says she is healthy and that is what is most important in my book.  She got another round of shots yesterday, which I am sure doesn't make her feel any better, but she seemed to handle them well.  However,
I can't seem to be able to put her down today.  "The only place she seems happy is in her daddy's lap.  I don't really mind much at all, but it sure does make it even harder to get anything housework done or much of anything else. I had been planning on trying out a new recipe today, oh well maybe next week. We will post some holiday pictures when we get  everything straightened out...might take a little while longer!
Here is little M all ready to go to Dothan. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

6 Months Old...Already!

Yep, today is a big day, Little M turns six months today. Seems like yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital. She also seems to change almost everyday now. She is squirming all around, not quite crawling yet, but she seems to like being on her stomach a little better now. When we are out at stores she helps us shop by grabbing everything that she can get a hold of. She still pretty much only laughs at the dog as he runs his usual circuit around the house. Still no hair, well it is starting to grow....slowly. She sure loves attention. She eats two meals at her highchair now. She likes most of the vegetables we have given her and hopefully she will get to like peas. We go to the doctor this next week..yea more shots.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Over at the craft table...

Well I made these in the living room. Anyway, if you know anything about buying bows for little girls you know that they can be quite pricey! When we paid more than $5 for a no-slippie hair clippie, I thought to myself.....self we can make something like this.  The whole while Tiff was talking about us making them, but I never got around to doing it till this past weekend.  Here is the first one, hopefully in a line of many, many more. Now, this didn't turn out exactly like I wanted it too, but i figure...Davinci probably didn't create a masterpiece when he first touched his brush to canvas!

Here is Little M modeling my first bow, she does a good job;-) 
Here is Little M with one of her favorite toys, couldn't help but share this one.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We salute and support of veterans

I am very proud to live in a free country and I realize that my freedom isn't free.  Today, especially we salute our Veterans who have fought, bled and given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for our freedom. 
THANK YOU for your service to our country.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Little M's First Parade

This past Friday was Homecoming here in our little town and that means a Parade! I have always loved parades, at least as far back as I can remember.  I still like watching the ones that come on TV, but nothing beats actually being there.  I felt pretty good and with Pat Pat's help we took Little M out to the Parade where we met Tif and Papa Loyd.  As with the Fireworks the loud sirens from the firetrucks and police cars didn't bother M a bit!  We all had a good time, though I think M was more interested in her book than the parade.  She was just excited to be outside and around a bunch of people.
All of the floats in the parade were good. However, this one was our favorite, we hope it won!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Katie's Cake

This week we made a cake for one of the paras at the school who is getting married in a couple of weeks.  We did a white cake and buttercream icing and decorations.  Here are some pictures:


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Alea iacta est-The Die is Cast

Today is truly an historic day in the life of our country. We have elected a black American to be the leader of the free world. As the architect, Karl Rove said last night, it is a time for the whole country to celebrate. We should celebrate our ideals of freedom and democracy and it is an exciting time for many, many people. The simple fact is that he is now our president and we must now undergird him with our prayer. Even though I do not agree with most things that Obama stands for, that does not give me any excuse to be angry or bitter, even though honestly I was for a while and will most likely have to deal with those feelings in the future.
I am very glad that congress did not turn out to be one-sided. I think there would be danger if that happened regardless of party affiliation. Unless of course they all happened to be conservative, I never see that happening in my lifetime, but it would truly be glorious.
On a very positive note it does appear, or at least at the time I am writing this that the Marriage Amendments are passing. I am very glad to see this, but still somewhat sad to face the fact that we had to vote on this in the first place. Hard to believe our country has gone for far away from the Creator, who plainly states what marriage is to be.
Alright, having said all that yesterday I spent alot of my time in the kitchen trying out a new cookie recipe and baking a cake for a wedding shower. I found a recipe for Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chunk cookies with Maple frosting. Yum! One of my most fond memories is making pumpkin cookies with my grandmother, she didn't quite make hers like these, but I thought these would be widely accepted. I tried one yesterday and I thought it was good, a bit 'cakey' for my taste, but everyone else said they were good!

Here is a sneak peak at the cake we made yesterday, it is for a wedding shower for one of Tiffany's teachers. We were pleased with how it turned out and we hope the bride to be likes it very much.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did you vote?

    We sure did, we took advantage of the early voting here in Florida, it was actually just a couple days after my surgery.  So there I was hobbling into the Supervisor of Elections, in a good bit of pain and it took me so long to vote because I had trouble focusing due to the medicine I am on.  The point is I did it and I hope everyone is taking advantage of the priviledge  that we have as Americans. 
    I am so very glad that I do live in a free country where I do get to vote, I am very proud to be an American. Even though I may not agree with everything, so sometimes most anything our politicians do, I still think this is the best place that you can live today.  This brings to mind something that has been on my heart for a while now.  I think by and large we Christians have taken ourselves out of the public arena, politics included.  Then we get so upset that our country is going to pot. If the salt is not in the mix how should we expect the mix to be salty?  I think we get to comfortable in our pews, or in most cases these days in our chairs at church and are not out in the world making a difference.  I am very guilty of doing this myself... Our country does indeed change, but is it the change that either of the candidate are offering? 
    I am comforted in the fact that the Lord knows everything that is going to happen today, He knows where all the chips will fall and if much more informed than any of the pundits and pollsters.  With that said our elected officials still need our prayers, as my mother-in-law says our knees should have callouses on them from praying so much, this should be the case if our candidate wins or the whoever.
    Either way I challenge everyone out there to vote!  Like I said before, if I can manage to drag myself out to the poll then so should you!  If we make the mistake and think our vote doesn't count, then does that not negate what countless soldiers have fought, sacrificed and even paid the ultimate price for? Freedom isn't free and it is something that we should never, ever take lightly! So vote and then get ready to pray, because what ever happens this election, prayer is the only thing that can change our nation.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back to the Doctor

    Just figured I would edit the previous post as opposed to create a new one. We did get a good report from the Dr. He took out the drain, which, while maybe not quite as bad as taking out the ones from the last surgery, still pretty bad!  I wouldn't recommend it! We are all pretty tired, it's quite a drive to Gainesville, but we are glad we got a good report and had a safe trip. 

    Well today we go back to the doctor.  Hard to believe it has been almost two weeks since the last surgery!
I haven't been feeling so great the past couple of days, so that is a worry.  Unfortunately, feeling not so great has been the norm for close to two years now. On a positive note, hopefully the doctor will remove the drain tomorrow! I remember when they took them out for the last surgery and I felt like a new man after they were gone, so I am hoping having them removed will produce the same or similar, at least, effect.  Everybody else in the family seems to be doing well, Little M always seems to be a bit more ill on Sundays, but I think that is because her schedule is all out of kilter with going to church, but hopefully that will get better as time passes.
    Also, I have been able to get up and do more, we have even gone to town a time or two, however, that may be contributing to my current state of not feeling well, who knows.  Though I much rather have gotten out of the house than have stayed cooped up, cabin fever is pretty rough, blah....
    Hopefully, we get a good report and even better, be wearing less plastic jewelry on my side!

Sunday, November 2, 2008